President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Board Member:
Richard Hess
Talicia Honkola
Lindsey Luke
Beth Christensen
Lance Johnson
Welcome to Aurora's Chamber of Commerce website! We are so excited you are here to see what our City's Businesses have to offer our wonderful community. Aurora is a city in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 1,679 at the 2020 census. Saint Louis County Highways 100 and 110; and State Highway 135 are three of the main routes in Aurora. Our businesses throughout our community help our economy grow and keep our residents happy. It's events like the Annual City-Wide Rummage Sale, the Miss Aurora events during our City's Patriotic Day Festivities, Celebrate Aurora's Pumpkin Fest, and Caring for the Kid Communities' Holiday Heritage Festival that bring guests to our community.

Our Chamber of Commerce Member's have an opportunity to have Quarterly Meetings with other members, be featured on our Website, have exclusive opportunity to provide input with City Staff to work on projects happening throughout the City. The City has many projects on the horizon such as the County State Aid Highway 100 Reconstruction Project, a development of an Industrial Park, a new Water Treatment Facility with the Water Source coming from a new pit, necessary upgrades to our Wastewater Treatment Plant, and other various projects.
Apply for Little Miss Aurora 2024
We are so excited for the Miss Aurora 2024 Coronation.
If you have a girl from the age 6 to 8 years-old, who lives in Aurora, please sign up to be a Little Miss Aurora 2024.
Application Deadline is June 21st
Participants will spend a Picnic with the Miss Aurora Candidates and be apart of the Aurora Patriotic Day Parade on July 3rd.
Download the Application for Little Miss Aurora Here!
You can email your applications and a headshot to missauroramn@gmail.com or drop off application at Aurora City Hall.